New York Times: Sunday Edition

The New York Times Sunday Wedding announcements, "the single woman's sports pages"

This Sunday's blushing bride award goes to 79 year-old Arlene 'Ollie' Ball who married a younger man (75 year-old Robert Dempsey) Saturday July 10th. The young-at-heart Ball shares her wedding date with Carrie Underwood, Lala Vazquez, and Emily Blunt and met her husband on 
Kudos to Mr. Dempsey who arrive a little to early for their first date and spotted Miss Bell walking her dog; he "turned the car around and [waited] until she got back in the house;" allowing her to reemerge from the home fully 'done up' for their date.

Found out who won Adorable Mention when you click "Read More"
Adorable mention goes to the considerably younger Perla Farias and David Portugal Jr. (21 and 22 respectively)

"[The wedding] was marked as much by those who didn’t attend as it was by the more than 250 guests who did. Nearly two dozen relatives — aunts, uncles and cousins of Ms. Farias, all originally from Mexico and all undocumented — were missing from their June 19 wedding. With so much focus these days on the subject of illegal immigration, the relatives were fearful of being deported, even though Arizona’s new immigration law requiring police to check documentation for those they suspect are in the country illegally doesn’t take effect until July 29."

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