Artini 2013

WHAT I WORE: tip to toe!

top- Chico's | pants- LOFT | shoes- Ann Taylor | clutch- family heirloom

Can I tell you how amazing these sequin pants are? I originally purchased them online from LOFT to wear last year on New Year's Eve. Seriously what crazy person buys a New Year's Eve outfit online...I mean what if it doesn't fit...what if it arrives and it looks hideous...what if i arrives AFTER New Year's Eve? Then what? 

I took a fashionable leap of faith on these "pantalon" and have never looked back. I can't remember how much they cost and I'm sure I used a coupon, but can I just say whatever the price tag should have been double. The cost-per-wear on these bad boys is now like $5. 

I've taken them for a spin on the tabletop dance floor at The Howard Theatre on New Year's Eve; I've dressed them down and paired them with wedge sneakers and a beaded sweatshirt and now I've made them a respectable society lady by allowing them to accompany me to the 2013 Artini fundraiser at the Corcoran Gallery of Art & Design

I am once again a card carrying member of the 1869 Society at the Corcoran, DC's hippest museum, and I look forward to bringing you details on exclusive art events. Stay tuned and follow the conversation!


  1. Please keep me posted for more art events!

    Meanwhile, I absolutely LOVE your outfit. It actually has more live without the cape, funny enough. (Even though the cape is awesome). You look great!

  2. You got it Vivi! Here's a make your own jewelry while you sip on cocktail party at the Corcoran I'm going to this month...
    WHAT I WORE: tip to toe!


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