Room & Board

I recently spent an evening furniture shopping at Room & Board, because that's what grown ups do with their free time. While I didn't end up purchasing anything I was thoroughly impressed by the folks from Sunbrella who demonstrated how durable their fabrics are by dumping red wine on a white fabric swatch then rubbing it in! The damage was removed easily by soaking up the liquid with a plain paper towel then wetting a regular kitchen sponge with bleach and wiping the stain away. Sadly I was too slack jawed to remember to video the demo, but I've posted a similar one so make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom.

And PS if you've never been to the rooftop deck on the fourth floor of the Room & Board store in DC you're missing a great view. Plus they have a free secret parking lot on Fridays and Saturdays. 

  • 1840 14th Street, NW
  • Washington, D.C. 20009
  • 202.729.8300

This post is NOT sponsored by Room & Board or Sunbrella, however they did serve me free drinks  ; )


  1. We're glad you liked our demo and thanks for the shout out!

  2. I am definitely going to have to check this place out!



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