Going Out is Better than Always Staying In

WHAT I WORE: tip to toe!

dress- Zara

(featured in the NY Times)

Am I the only one who thinks getting ready to go out is actually the best part of going out? I could spend hours between my closet and my bathroom primping and prepping for a night on the town. And then once I'm all dolled up I'm perfectly happy to pour a glass of wine and watch TV on my couch the rest of the night. 

Hillary Duff (don't judge me) has a song called "Come Clean" which was the theme song for the MTV reality show Laguna Beach (stop judging me right now!) Anyways the song is about finding yourself and understanding who you are by stripping yourself bare.

I won't get too personal as this is a personal style blog and we're all here for the clothes, not my feelings, but I've been looking to be the highest version of myself lately and it isn't always easy with so many external influences. But Hillary is right, there's not much living you can do from your couch so I'm getting out there and figuring out who I am in spite of all the external pressure to be like everyone else. And yes, going out IS better than always staying in. Have a great weekend and get out there and live a little!

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