Sketch Me Like One of Your French Girls...

This round-up was created by Emily Brickel Edelson, the talented artist behind Chic Sketch, a fashion forward mobile app that sketches photos into Instagrammable fashion illustrations by real fashion illustrators in a matter of minutes. Are you #sketchworthy?

10 Biggest Fashion Moments at the Golden Globes

Taraji P. Henson in custom Stella McCartney

Jennifer Lopez in Giambattista Valli Haute Couture

Jennifer Lawrence in Dior Haute Couture

Laverne Cox in Elizabeth Kennedy

Jenna Dewan-Tatum in Zuhair Murad Couture

Zendaya in Marchesa

Malin Akerman in Reem Acra

Kate Hudson in Michael Kors

Rosie Huntington-Whitley in Atelier Versace

Alicia Vikander in Louis Vuitton

Chic Sketch has been recognized by Allure, E! News, Vogue Spain, WhoWhatWear, Refinery 29, Nylon and InStyle. Emily and her illustrators have also teamed up with brands such as Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdales, Furla and Sephora to engage a social audience at their prestigious events.

Co-founder Emily Brickel and her team of illustrators can sketch your memorable fashion moments within minutes.

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Are you #SketchWorthy

To download Chic Sketch visit their website, The app is also available at the App Store and Google Play.

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